Patti first came to Restore Human a few months ago because she was experiencing numbness (or what she referred to as a “dead” leg) that had started over a year ago, and was only getting worse. 


She endured extensive testing that included four MRIs, one CT scan, numerous blood tests, three different neurologists doctors (including one at the MS clinic). Each time she was sent away with no diagnosis and no answers as to what was causing her “dead” leg. Patti decided to keep searching for answers and found us at Restore Human, and started training with myself, Coach Christina.

Here’s Patti’s story in her words:

“It was getting more difficult to walk and I was becoming more depressed about what my future held. I tried one gym earlier in the year but I wasn’t heard, I was put through exercises that everyone else was also doing, not tailored to my specific needs. I had strength and balance issues with my leg that were not being addressed. I felt defeated. 

This past summer I started looking for help again. I found Restore Human by chance, and I immediately liked their philosophy and made an appointment for a consultation. I met with Coach Christina and I instantly felt listened to, I felt understood. We started that week and she had a plan for me to reconnect with my leg, literally. We started by changing my language of calling it my “dead” leg to “my leg of opportunity”. Over the last few months I have made huge gains with my strength, mobility and my mind-muscle connection.  

I went from not even being able to engage my muscles in my leg to now being able to contract them. I couldn’t hold my numb leg in the air for just a few seconds without it falling and hitting the ground. Now I can keep that leg up for a full 30 seconds or more! This translates to everyday things like stepping into my pants without having to use my hands for support, slipping my shoes on without sitting, and walking with more confidence. Mentally I am strengthened with these gains. It gives me hope for my future now. I am so thankful I found Restore Human and Coach Christina. She has truly given me real results and a part of my life back.” - Patti

Our work started with taking Patti right back to the basics. Slowly, she reconnected to her body again. Her homework week one was to literally talk to her leg. Thanking it for all it does, and to stop calling it her “dead” leg. Patti quickly understood the mind is very powerful and the body will believe what the brain tells it. 


With the Restore Human approach, Patti and I started by really zooming in on her mind-muscle connection. She was able to start bringing awareness to her leg; then came small sensations; and then full contractions and engagement in the muscles. 

I have watched Patti’s motivation and movements skyrocket with her “new” leg! She is even walking 5,000 steps EVERYDAY now. I can’t wait to see where her new found confidence will take her as she continues to gain more strength, grace and resilience!

- Coach Christina