

  • UBC Bachelor’s of Kinesiology

  • Certified Restore Human Coach

  • Senior Restore Human Coach

  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

  • FRC Mobility Specialist


Over the years Coach Gabriel has been heavily involved in shaping, testing and developing the Restore Human method. He has a Bachelor’s in Kinesiology and many years of diverse training experience.

As a coach, Gabriel takes into consideration all of the different facets that a person brings with them into movement.

He has experienced working in rehabilitation, sport specific, performance and general physical fitness domains. Regardless of age or previous training background Gabriel prides himself on meeting people where they are at. Building a solid foundation with the appropriate challenges to succeed and grow.

Gabriel has further developed his coaching practice to incorporate elements of mindfulness, breathe work and meditation to provide a truly unique movement practice that not only builds strength, grace and resilience but also a deep connection to one’s body.