Rediscovering Dance After Injury

Rediscovering Dance After Injury

There’s a certain identity that comes with being in a professional sport of any kind. Professional Ballet, like most elite sports, is its own world full of hard work, grit, beauty, resilience, and unfortunately, many injuries. The identity of being a…

An Invitation to Play in the Rain

An Invitation to Play in the Rain

Walking through the wet leaves on the ground this morning, grateful that the much needed rain has finally arrived, I thought back to another time in my life that the rain brought such a feeling of relief. Thirteen years ago, I spent my first autumn on the west coast. My husband and I…

Dry land training for SUP adventures

Dry land training for SUP adventures

I love stand up paddleboarding (SUP)! SUP started gaining traction around 2005 and is one of the fastest growing sports ranging from the leisurely sit down paddler to the white water racer.

Strategies for Getting Your Kids Active

Strategies for Getting Your Kids Active

Think back to when you were with your friend learning how to do a cartwheel. A completely new movement to you. You flung your body with excitement and maybe a little uncertainty trying to replicate your friend’s motion.

A Guide to Vivobarefoot Minimalist Shoes

A Guide to Vivobarefoot Minimalist Shoes

As part of the process of ‘restoring my human’ I spend much of my time completely barefoot. Going shoeless has allowed my feet to maintain mobility, strength and suppleness over the years, but being absolutely barefoot isn’t always possible or safe.

Bridging the Gap Between Bodywork and Movement

Bridging the Gap Between Bodywork and Movement

I have the privilege of working at two very special places in our local community- Restore Human and Halsa Spa. At Restore Human our mantra is “strength, grace, and resiliency”, zooming in on physical literacy, natural movement, and connecting our clients back to nature.

Movement Literacy for Triathletes

Movement Literacy for Triathletes

For most triathletes, it’s all about training volume. More volume must mean we’ll get stronger...right? Consult any triathlete and they will proudly tell you just how many hours they trained for any given week (if you aren’t hitting 15-20+ hours/week, are you even training for Ironman?)