chronic pain

Understanding Covid-19 And Its Implications

Understanding Covid-19 And Its Implications

The truth is that there is no-one at any level who has a complete knowledge base of what to do, and in fact much of our current awareness sadly comes from observed and corrected mistakes of the distant and not-so-distant past. Time really is of the essence here in making a positive impact!

There is a massive difference between living in fear due to scaremongering and a lack of knowledge versus taking precautions based around the mechanics and mathematics of disease transmission.

Chronic Pain: A Simple Perspective on a Complex System

Chronic Pain: A Simple Perspective on a Complex System

Chronic pain can greatly affect your quality of life and mental state. It can cause brain fog , affect your mood, and alter your ability to navigate the world. We hope this article can instill some hope in you if you’ve been fighting chronic pain.