
Find Solitude on Trails: Hiking Hacks

Find Solitude on Trails: Hiking Hacks

It can be frustrating when you have planned a perfect day in nature to relax and recharge only to find an overloaded parking lot and pack trails. So here are some hiking hacks to avoid crowds, find solitude, rejuvenate and reap natures therapy.



“We grossly overestimate what we can do in a month and grossly underestimate what we can do in five years.”

This phrase by John Danaher, head coach of one of the best grappling teams in the world really resonates with me. In a world predicated on the shorter term results that come from flashes of inspiration, a common problem we see at Restore Human is that people are unable to sustain these positive behaviours once that inspiration diminishes (which is unavoidable unfortunately!).



“Where do I start?”

This is the common issue faced by so many who are attempting to make a change in their lifestyle to become fitter, healthier, more productive - you name it!

Typically the solutions that are provided involve significant barriers to entry, that is to say there are so many reasons compliance is challenging. These involve cost, scheduling, access to equipment, complexity of material, etc.

5 Tips To Help You Make the Most Out Of Your Home Training

5 Tips To Help You Make the Most Out Of Your Home Training

Situations arise in our lives that prevent us from having access to the places where we usually exercise. The gym might be closed, the weather might not permit your usual walk in the park or you might be on holiday.

Whatever the reason, you have two options; not exercising at all or learning to exercise at home (or wherever you are). Here are 5 tips to help you make the most of your home training that minimize injury and continue to give your body the physical nutrition it needs.

Understanding Covid-19 And Its Implications

Understanding Covid-19 And Its Implications

The truth is that there is no-one at any level who has a complete knowledge base of what to do, and in fact much of our current awareness sadly comes from observed and corrected mistakes of the distant and not-so-distant past. Time really is of the essence here in making a positive impact!

There is a massive difference between living in fear due to scaremongering and a lack of knowledge versus taking precautions based around the mechanics and mathematics of disease transmission.

Chronic Pain: A Simple Perspective on a Complex System

Chronic Pain: A Simple Perspective on a Complex System

Chronic pain can greatly affect your quality of life and mental state. It can cause brain fog , affect your mood, and alter your ability to navigate the world. We hope this article can instill some hope in you if you’ve been fighting chronic pain.

Staying Healthy - COVID-19 Virus

Staying Healthy - COVID-19 Virus

Staying healthy during the cold and flu season can be a challenge, especially with new viruses emerging. With the rising concern regarding the COVID-19 virus, the Restore Human Team want’s to ensure you that we are taking extra precautions to help keep you safe, our studio clean and everyone healthy. We’ve laid out some information on the COVID-19 virus and what you can do to keep yourself and your loved ones healthy.

Making Humans Harder To Fool

Making Humans Harder To Fool

With the advent of the information age the challenge for all of us is to know what sources to trust and how to distinguish good information from bad. At Restore Human we want more people to have access to good quality information upon which they can base important decisions.